Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) are a central part of any worksites Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) system but many builders and contractors don’t insist on them from their subcontractors. 

Master Builders OHS Manager, John Darcy, said that when it comes to protecting your employees and yourself, SWMS are a must.

“It’s imperative for builders and contractors to requests SWMS from their subtrades to demonstrate how they will provide a safe system of work on site,” Mr Darcy said.

“Furthermore, they can be a critical piece of evidence for builders and contractors in the case of an accident.”

Mr Darcy said that many subcontractors will not have or provide the SWMS but that it was up to the builder to insist.

“In the past six months, WorkSafe has brought a number of prosecutions where SWMS have been relied upon as a core piece of evidence,” he said.

“Builders need to understand that they are required to have SWMS.”

Master Builders has a range of SWMS templates available online for builders and subcontractors to use as guides when creating their own. They are available to you for free.

A new SWMS pad has also just been introduced. The A3 size SWMS pad includes a SWMS template that Master Builders has adopted from the National Model Code of Practice for Construction Work. This model, produced by Safe Australia, has been endorsed by all OHS regulators across Australia.

The new SMWS template includes the traditional three column risk assessment tool and the list of 19 High Risk Construction Work (HRCW) criteria for checking off.

“This new template is easy to use and has more detail that previous pads,” Mr Darcy said.

“If used properly, it will provide builders with a greater level of protection.

“A SWMS will not only protect your employees but it will protect you and your business.”

The new SWMS pad is available to order online or contact Master Builders on (03) 9411 4555 for more information.