WorkSafe has announced their intention to conduct a focus campaign on falls prevention on construction sites during the month of July.

The campaign will be run across all Victorian construction sectors, and WorkSafe inspectors will be ensuring builders and subcontractors are meeting their legal obligations and correctly utilising the prevention of falls hierarchy of controls measure to control risk (refer OHS Regulations (Prevention of Falls) Regulations 2007).

WorkSafe inspectors will focus on the most common fall hazards including working on unprotected edges, using unsafe or incomplete scaffolds, inappropriate ladders or ladder use, falling from roofs or through fragile roofs or skylights, falls from trucks or plant, falling through stair-voids and falls into holes, pits or shafts.

Employers have a legal duty to control risk of falls from any height. In addition, construction work involving a risk of falling more than two metres is prescribed high-risk construction work’ and further specific legal duties apply, including:

  1. That work must not commence unless a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) has been developed.
  2. The SWMS must:
  • Identify the work where such falls exist
  • State the OHS hazards and risks of the work
  • Detail the measures selected to control the risks
  • Describe how risk controls will be implemented
  • The SWMS must be followed during the work.

Please find below links to guidance available on the WorkSafe website  that members may find beneficial in the lead up to the campaign.

Prevention of falls in general construction (2008) – Compliance Code
Prevention of falls in housing construction (2004) – Code of Practice and amendment Fall protection for roof work (2011) – Guidance Note
Edge protection, guard railing failure (2010) – Safety Alert
Prevention of falls in construction, selection and safe use of portable ladders (2013) – Guidance Note
Preventing falls from earth moving equipment (2012)  Guidance Note
Fall prevention for scaffolders (2005) – Guidance Note