On 6 March 2018, the Fair Work Commission issued an order fixing 27 March 2018 as the Amalgamation Day for the CFMEU, MUA and TCFUA. Whilst subject to an appeal that will be heard on 9 April, the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMMEU) is now a reality.

Master Builders is extremely disappointed that despite intense lobbying on behalf of the industry, the Australian Parliament was ultimately found to be unwilling and/or unable to pass the necessary legislation in time to ensure that a merger of this nature was subject to a genuine public interest test.

The need for a public interest test should be obvious to anyone with even the most basic understanding of the extraordinary and continuing contempt for the rule of law shown by the CFMEU in particular. The cost of this unlawful conduct is not just felt by those subjected to the thuggery, bullying and intimidation that all too often accompany it; history shows that such conduct also costs the taxpayer and cheats the community out of much needed public infrastructure, such as schools, roads and hospitals.

Master Builders will continue to lobby for the passage of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Ensuring Integrity) Bill 2017, which also contains new provisions that would disqualify union officials from holding office, or standing for office, should they be found to have deliberately broken workplace laws, not acted in members interests, or not be fit and proper people (for example, having broken a criminal law) – as well as new provisions relating to deregistration.

Master Builders will also continue to work closely with the ABCC and to continue to advocate their need to be sufficiently resourced to perform their role as industry regulator.