Late last month, the company allegedly responsible for the illegal dumping of waste from the 159-year-old Corkman Irish Pub was fined more than $20,000 by Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA). In addition, the dumping of the waste from the Corkman site is now the subject of an EPA criminal investigation.

Under the Environment Protection Act 1970, anyone who unlawfully dumps or disposes of construction and demolition waste, or permits its unlawful dumping or disposal, can face prosecution and a penalty of up to $777,300.

EPA can also require the waste generator, transporter and/or receiver to clean up and pay for waste to be taken to a lawful place.

EPA has a dedicated Illegal Dumping Strikeforce Program that works with other government regulators, industry and local councils to reduce illegal dumping through education and joint compliance and enforcement programs.

In October, EPA partnered with the Victorian Building Authority, WorkSafe Victoria, Consumer Affairs Victoria and Energy Safe Victoria to launch Build Aware – an inspection program focussed on providing on-the-spot advice to the sector and enforcing compliance with building, construction, environment, plumbing and OH&S laws and regulations.

Launched in Bendigo, the Build Aware blitz targeted domestic, commercial and industrial builders with inspectors visiting more than 120 sites. Those inspected were generally found to be complying with the law. Buoyed by its success, the Build Aware program will target other regions in the coming year.
Tips for ensuring C&D waste is managed correctly:
Construction and demolition activities generate a range of waste materials including concrete, timber, asbestos and contaminated soil. Below are a few tips for managing C&D waste and ensuring you comply with the law:

  • Before work starts, understand what types of waste will be generated during excavation, demolition and construction
  • If a quote for managing waste is low, find out why. The company may be avoiding costs by taking the waste to a place that cannot lawfully be used as a waste facility.
  • Keep accurate written records such as:
    –who transported the waste
    –volumes of waste transported
    –copies of waste receipts from the waste facility.

Visit EPA’s website for more information on managing C&D waste or call 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842). Information about asbestos is available at the Asbestos in Victoria website (, which contains collective advice from WorkSafe Victoria, EPA and the Department of Health.