Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced that the Senate will be recalled to sit in the week of 18 April 2016 to vote on the Bills that would reinstate the ABCC and hold officers of registered organisations(e.g. union officials) to the same disclosure and transparency obligations as company directors. Importantly, passage of the ABCC Bill would also give effect to the advance release Building and Construction Industry (Fair and Lawful Building Sites) Code 2014 (Building Code 2014). Should the Bills not pass the Senate there will be a double dissolution election, most likely on 2 July 2016.

The announcement follows the successful passage of the Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill 2016to improve the Senate voting system, the effect of which is to help ensure that the self-interest of a number of cross-bench senators is now aligned with the needs of the community they purport to represent.

Master Builders strongly supports the Turnbull Government’s position, and notes the continued progress being made to provide certainty for the industry through measures to establish the rule of law and improve productivity as expeditiously as possible.

Members seeking further information should contact the IR Department on (03) 9411 4560.