As members are aware, the current Industry EBA 2011-2015 (the Industry EBA) does not contain a working day calendar for 2016, providing only that the agreed Christmas Closedown period for 2015/16 will be from 24 December 2015 to 8 January 2016 (inclusive).

Contractors covered by the Industry EBA are therefore encouraged to consult with their employees with regard to putting their RDO scheduling arrangements for 2016 in place. Based on feedback received, it is likely that a number of contractors will use the current working day calendar format contained in Appendix I of the Industry EBA as a guide.

To this end, the industry parties have produced an interim 2016 calendar template based on the current model. A copy of the interim template is available here.

It should be noted that subject to proposed federal code compliance considerations, RDO scheduling arrangements is one of the substantive issues for discussion in the upcoming Industry EBA negotiations.

The intention therefore is that any substantive change to the current working day calendar arrangements agreed in any successor Industry EBA will not take effect until 2017.

Members seeking further information should contact the IR Department on (03) 9411 4560.