MBV would like to advise members about a new business mentoring program. The Victorian Government has partnered with the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) to deliver a Business Recovery and Resilience Mentoring Program to help small businesses navigate the challenges of the pandemic. 

The program is open to the owners of small businesses with less than 20 full-time employees. 

The program will offer tailored guidance on: 

  • Business recovery: to strengthen business recovery (cost reduction, debt and cash flow management) 
  • Market transformation: to understand how COVID19 has triggered or accelerated market changes 
  • Digital literacy and engagement: to help businesses reach new customers and markets 
  • Market and supply chain diversification: to reduce exposure to supply chain risks 
  • Reskilling and retraining: to help businesses upskill their existing workforce 

The program is open to the owners of small businesses with less than 20 full-time employees. 

Small business owners taking part will receive up to four free 2-hour sessions with a mentor who will guide owners to make informed decisions about the future of their business. VCCI will match owners with an industry leader who suits their business needs. 

Mentoring sessions will be conducted by phone, video conferencing, and, if appropriate, face-to-face. 

Click here to apply by completing an online application.