November has been another frenzy of media activity for the media team at MBV.
- The month started with a story in the Geelong Advertiser around the squeeze on timber and the flow on effect for jobs.
- The Property Council of Australia, Housing Industry Association, Urban Development Institute of Australia (Victoria), and Master Builders Victoria all joined forces to oppose the Windfall Gains Tax as covered in another story in the Geelong Advertiser.
- A good feature on attracting more women to local trades appeared in the Bendigo Advertiser.
- The South Gippsland Sentinel-Times did a piece on construction and property paving the way for Victoria’s economic recovery.
- The same paper also reported that timber shortages had caused a rise in thefts. A similar story appeared in the Australian Hardware Journal.
- The Bellarine Times did a big feature on MBV’s push for more industry support and another piece on more proposed changes to the building code.
- The AFR did a piece on construction costs soaring as shortages start to bite.
- CEO Rebecca Casson’s induction into the 2021 Victorian Honour Roll of Women appeared in her local newspaper, the Geelong Advertiser.
- A nice feature appeared in the Sunday Herald Sun on more Melburnians building bigger homes in the country featuring comments from Ballarat builder and MBV Country Sector chair Stuart Allen.
- The Herald Sun also asked 25 high-profile Victorians and business and community leaders – including MBV CEO Rebecca Casson - one simple question: “What’s your game-changing idea to get Victoria back on top?” In total, MBV issued nine proactive media releases during November.
The Border Mail - North East Regional Master Builders Winner
The Age - Victorian construction leads the nation through lockdowns
Gazella - Rebecca Casson / CEO / Master Builders Association of Victoria / Honoured
National Tribune - Outstanding Victorian Women Recognised
Bendigo Advertiser - Local display home awarded highly prestigious honour
Herald Sun - Melburnians quitting the big smoke building regional McMansions
Herald Sun - Big ideas from Melbourne’s bold visionaries to put Victoria back on top