For the past 18 months, the Victorian Planning Authority have been focusing on delivering the Fast Track Program to support economic recovery, and have made significant headway in developing and applying frameworks for ensuring and building productive partnerships. Over the course of 2021/22, VPA will resource and prioritise workload to complete the Fast Track Program, while also positioning themselves to help build Victoria’s economic recovery over the coming years.

The VPA has had restricted capacity to take on new projects this year due to focusing on the Fast Track and the compounding effect of COVID-19 related disruptions across our sector. The business plan is set to begin a number of projects to start delivering the new Victorian Planning Authority Strategic Plan 2021/24.

When the Fast Track Program is complete, VPA will focus on preparing for the Minister’s agreement on a proposal to lead a pipeline of planning projects that will increase to land and housing supply in metro Melbourne and regional cities and towns. VPA will also be maintaining momentum on “50,000 lots and jobs” commitment in outer Melbourne, raising the bar on the PSP process and outcomes in line with the new PSP Guidelines, and working across government to better sequence and coordinate infrastructure with development.

This will support the Victorian Government’s commitment to creating 20-minute neighbourhoods in urban growth areas across Victoria – creating communities that are prosperous, liveable and sustainable.


  • The Melbourne Growth Corridors program continues to maintain 15 years zoned supply, with a focus on completing the Fast Track projects, delivering the 50,00 lots and 50,000 jobs program and finalising the last of the “uncoupled” ICPs. VPA have progressed the pipeline forward by elevating the priority of five PSPs and will continue to pilot alternative delivery methods. VPA will also work within government to identify the next tranche of PSPs to be readied for pre-commencement as funding and resources are secured.
  • VPA will be continue their work on PSP reform by finalising and delivering the new Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines, continuing their effort to streamline their processes using our PSP 2.o methodology, and working on improved models for infrastructure coordination.
  • VPA have numerous vital projects to complete in established Melbourne: supporting redevelopment at Arden, Preston Market and more. VPA are also identifying opportunities for an increased future role in planning for targeted growth in activity centres more broadly.
  • VPA will continue the Streamlining for Growth projects, including 22 grants to councils (eight of which are to regional councils) to unlock local growth, as well as continuing work on the new volume of our Small Lot Housing Code.
  • In regional Victoria, VPA will prioritise the completion of projects in Wonthaggi and Bannockburn. They will also be working to identify a pipeline of projects to help meet emerging land supply shortages in some regional cities and peri-urban towns.
  • VPA continue to work with their colleagues in state departments and agencies to develop new models to better align land use and infrastructure pipelines, with a recent focus on the northern metropolitan growth corridor.
  • VPA will continue to invest in the growth of their approach to hybrid working and their ability to communicate with you using a full suite of digital tools as appropriate. 
  • Finally, the Business Plan incorporates VPA’s work to map the new Strategic Plan 2021-24 into their future work programs, a continuation of a commitment to considering the implications of COVID-19 for their planning and other key priorities such as supporting the planning reform work underway in government.

Click here to view the full Victorian Planning Authority Business Plan 2021/22 on the VPA website.