The Victorian Government has updated the State Critical Infrastructure List - now for both Metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria. To view the list, click here.

If you believe that your project is critical or essential, you may be eligible for an exemption.  

For any exemption applications, it is necessary to consider the following information and follow the steps outlined below:

"Under Clause 9 (21) of the Workplace (Additional Industry Obligations) Directions (No 38) critical and essential infrastructure means: 

1. Construction or maintenance (including civil works, building or construction activities) of critical and essential infrastructure (whether privately or publicly funded) where the Victorian Government has deemed, and the Chief Health Officer has endorsed, that it is urgently required for the purposes of sustaining human health, safety and wellbeing, on a case by case basis; or 

2. Activities deemed by the Victorian Government from the time to time as "State Critical Infrastructure Projects"; or

3. Construction for the purposes of national security or defence.


If your application fits this definition, please click here and complete the form to proceed with the evaluation process. This information will be used by the Victorian Government in the exemption assessment.